Precaution After Cataract Surgery


Precaution after cataract surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures performed worldwide. It offers patients the chance to regain their vision and enhance their quality of life. However, after the surgery, it’s essential to follow certain precautions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal healing. Taking care of your eyes post-surgery is crucial for preventing complications and achieving the best possible outcome. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the precaution to take after cataract surgery to ensure a safe and speedy recovery.

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Precaution after cataract surgery

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Cataract Operation Charges - Guide

 Cataract operation is a highly effective procedure that can dramatically improve vision and enhance quality of life. However, before moving forward with the surgery, understanding the costs involved is crucial for effective planning. In this blog, we’ll break down what cataract operation charges typically include, the factors influencing these costs, and tips for managing them effectively.

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Can Myopia be Cured

Can Myopia be Cured ?

What is myopia?

Myopia is a common eye focus disorder and affects a significant percentage of the world population. It is a condition when people cannot see objects at a distance as it appears blurry. For example, a driver may not be able to see a distant road sign until they move closer to it. However, most people with myopia have no problem seeing things that are relatively nearer. Myopia occurs when the eyeball grows too long, causing the image to be formed in front of the retina instead of on it.

This condition, also called near-sightedness or short-sightedness, can develop from an early age and get worse with age. Myopia can increase gradually or rapidly depending on the individual. It is also hereditary, which means it can get passed on from the parent to the child. When both your parents have it, the risk of the child developing myopia is higher. Activities such as constantly using smartphones or laptops can raise the chance of one developing myopia. You can correct it through eyeglasses, surgery or contact lenses.

 If you or a family member is suffering from blurry vision, it is best to visit your eye doctor to get your eyes tested through a regular eye exam first.

Symptoms of myopia

  • Far away objects are blurred and fuzzy
  • Squinting
  • Close items appear clear
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness while doing activities

Once you visit the doctor for an eye exam, you will be put through a series of tests that will help the doctor come to a conclusion regarding your eyesight.

  • Eye drops are used to dilate the eyes during the eye health exam. Dilation helps doctors get a better view of your eyes.
  • The eye exam includes a refraction assessment and an eye health exam.
  • You will be tested for near-sightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism.
  • Doctors will test your vision by asking you to look through various lenses.

For children who cannot explain to an adult that they are having blurry vision, it is important to note for certain symptoms, such as,

Symptoms in children with myopia

  • Short or no attention span
  • Holding objects close to the face
  • Bad grades
  • Headaches
  • Rubbing eyes
  • Sitting too close to the television
  • Eyes watering
  • Behavioural problems
  • Closing one eye to read
  • A well-maintained diet also helps in controlling your eyesight.

 Foods that induce myopia

You need to limit the intake of refined vegetable oils, white bread, pasta, caffeine, processed food, foods with too much sugar content and processed meats.

Consuming too much of the above foods is bad for health and worsens the vision in the long run.

Other Risk factors

  • Genetic factors ( You are more likely to develop it if one of your parents or both your parents have this condition)
  • Age (If a child is diagnosed with myopia before he is 12 years, the condition can progress rapidly and be present throughout their life)
  • Habits (Reducing screen time can reduce the risk of developing myopia)
  • Diabetes (Diabetes can lead to mild to moderate myopia)
  • A survey revealed that people in urban areas are more likely to develop it than people in rural areas due to environmental factors.

 Ways to slow down myopia

  • Topical atropine drops are used to dilate the pupil during/before/after eye exams. These drops help to slow down the progression of myopia.
  • Spending a lot of time outdoors during adolescence and early adult years can decrease the risk of developing near-sightedness.
  • Wearing a permeable contact lens for several hours a day is done till the curvature of your eyes even out.
  • Dual focus lenses slow down myopia progression, especially in children between 8 and 12 years.
  • You can choose to use contact lenses or glasses to help you see better.
  • Though it may be expensive, refractive surgery reduces the need to wear glasses or contacts. Eye surgeons use laser beams to reshape the cornea, which reduces your near sight prescription.
  • Since it is not practical to stop using devices and gadgets, limiting time spent on devices such as laptops, desktops, phones, and play stations can help control myopia progression.
  • Orthokeratology is considered an excellent alternative to refractive surgery. In this simple procedure, one must wear a gas permeable lens overnight. Wearing these lenses help in reshaping the curvature of your eyes while you are asleep. When you wake up, the lens is removed, and your vision is back to normal.

Our vision is critical to having a good quality of life. Regular eye check-ups, eating right, and regular exercise can go a long way in helping you keep your vision healthy. Visit your nearest Sankara Eye Hospital today for eye-related queries or check-ups.

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Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Problems


Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Problems

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that affects people who have diabetes. At first, it only causes mild blurriness and no other symptoms, but it can lead to permanent blindness if diabetic retinopathy eye problems left untreated. It is caused when the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissues in the eye get damaged. It usually affects both the eyes. If you have diabetes, you need to have a dilated eye health exam at least once a year. As this condition may not have symptoms at the initial stage, it is essential to take eye tests to diagnose or rule it out as soon as possible. Next should know about the Diabetic retinopathy Causes .

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Eye Donation In India

Eye donation is an act of donating one's eyes after his/her death. Only corneal blinds can be benefitted through this process not other Blinds. It is an act of charity, purely for the benefit of the society and is totally voluntary. 

Pledge your eyes now- Sankara Eye Hospital

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Eye Hospitals In Hyderabad: Cost-effective Surgeries By Experienced Surgeons

People around the world suffer from many eye diseases that range from glaucoma to eye tumors, drooping eye lids to retinal holes, etc. Earlier, they had to undergo painful surgeries to rectify these problems, but now with the advancement in technology all that can be avoided. Lasik is done to cure almost all the eye problems as it is a simple procedure and can be done easily. In India, especially in Hyderabad, there are many reputed eye clinics that provide an array of reliable services for the convenience of people. The hospitals have many different clinics that include pediatric ophthalmology, glaucoma clinic, neuro-ophthalmology clinic, cataract, etc. The surgeons at these hospitals provide timely services that help save the vision of many people.
All the disorders related with the parts of the eye such as retina, iris, cornea, sclera, etc. can be treated with laser. No matter what your problem is, you can get help right away at the eye hospitals inHyderabad. Different types of instruments and facilities are used at the hospitals in Hyderabad such as diode laser, VEP, prism, OCT, flippers, and more. Cataract surgeries in particular are done at these hospitals at affordable rates. Since the surgeries are done through laser, the patients need not waste a lot of time at the hospital and the recovery time is also less. Laser surgery is also done for other eye conditions such as short sight, long sight, retinal holes, and more. Retinal holes in particular are very dangerous and must be taken care of right away. People with very high negative power tend to get retinal holes over a period of time.
The holes in the retina can be rectified through simple laser treatment. This painless procedure will take only a few minutes for completion and the patient can walk home within an hour or two. The procedure will not cause any discomfort to the patient unlike other painful procedures which require a lot of time for recovery. Cataract surgeries done in traditional methods are very painful and patients need to be in rest for over three months. The advancement in technology has paved way for many such comforts, which was once thought impossible. Nowadays laser is done for almost all the simple eye procedures at the hospitals in Hyderabad. If you want to undergo a surgery in any of the hospitals, all you need to do is browse the net. Even though there are many hospitals in Hyderabad, finding the best one might take a lot of time.
Always check for the reputation of the hospital and try comparing the rates offered for the procedures. You must also check the experience of the surgeons before choosing one. The hospitals in Hyderabad are renowned for their hospitality since they donate money for charity. They provide donation to ngo tax exemption, poor people and provide services for them at friendly rates. Most of the hospitals also provide eye donation programs and encourage people to donate eyes to help those in need. If you want to know more about the services offered by the hospitals, all you need to do is surf the web, go through blogs and forums. Through proper research, you will be able to find lasik eye surgery cost in Hyderabad within minutes.

By comparing the rates, you will be able to save a lot of money. Not only this, you can also get concessions on certain surgeries based on your requirement. The hospitals also provide 24/7 support services that can be availed by any patient. The sites also come with a toll free number where you can get information any time you require. You can also send in a mail stating your query and get the required details immediately. So check out the various eye hospitals in Hyderabad today and avail services at pocket-friendly rates!  
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Save your money and time through online donation

Donating to the needy has always been encouraged by charity organizations as well as the government by offering facilities and tax exemptions. The people who wish to donate to help the needy mostly try to look for the easier way since they do not wish to go through a lot of procedures or complex form fillings that may take a lot of their time. Many charity organizations still stick to the more conventional pages and pages of form filling with plenty of transaction based procedures that can irritate even the most patient person. Almost every fortunate person who has the ability to make good money today has access to a computer and internet and most of them tend to carry out all their financial operations online. Therefore they will surely find it encouraging if they can donate money to their favorite charity through online payment that will save them a lot of time. For such people Sankara has come up with the feature of donating online in their website. A donor can now just log in to their website and can donate the sum he or she wishes by just making an online transaction.

People with a big heart and the willingness to donate their hard earned money must be made to feel comfortable when they do charity and online donation is a great way to make them feel at ease and stress free. Those who give donations for charity are considered to be great by the people who benefit from the charity offered and therefore it encourages a strong sense of humanity and gratitude among all the others. The donors often act as an inspiration to others who wish to spend their money to help the needy and there is no better way to do that than offering medical attention to those who need it but cannot afford it. Sankara hospitals are doing a great job by offering the poor with subsidized medical treatment to the people who are in need and they can do a better job with the help of people who are financially capable of offering donations. The money donated will also get tax exempted that acts an additional bonus to those who donate, on the whole donating money can add respect to a person also save him or her money.

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